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 Let's Have a Convo!


The Fight for Land Rights of Indigenous People Continues

Writer's picture: Daphne, FNDR of Tough ConvosDaphne, FNDR of Tough Convos

Hualapai Tribe from Arizona, US

The term Indigenous carries profound historical and cultural significance, as it represents the original inhabitants of a region who have a deep-rooted connection to their land. This connection goes far beyond mere ownership; it encompasses their identity, generational wealth, and autonomy. In this blog, we will explore the vital importance of land for indigenous people and its connection to global conflicts, including the Israel-Palestine conflict. We will discuss the rights of indigenous people, their beliefs about land ownership and control, and highlight some indigenous role models. Additionally, we will delve into the historical injustices that have taken land away from indigenous communities and look at examples of land conflicts occurring globally.

Table of Contents:

Why is Land Important to Indigenous Peoples?

For indigenous communities, land represents the cornerstone of their existence. It is fundamental for preserving their culture, self-governance, and way of life. The struggle of indigenous people for land rights is deeply rooted in their need to maintain their unique identities and traditions. Land plays a multifaceted role, offering security by serving as a safe haven for indigenous peoples, protecting them from external threats and outside forces. It serves as a repository of their history and heritage, ensuring cultural continuity and a profound connection to the landscapes they inhabit. Moreover, land provides economic stability, as many indigenous communities rely on it for natural resources and sustainable growth opportunities, allowing them to pass down generational wealth. Furthermore, the land ownership of indigenous people empowers their communities, granting them autonomy and the ability to govern themselves and make decisions about their territories without external interference.

What Rights Do Indigenous People Have in Their Lands?

Quecha Indigenous Women

Indigenous people are entitled to specific rights concerning their lands, which are internationally recognized and upheld by the laws of many nations. These rights encompass land ownership, granting them the right to own, use, and manage their ancestral lands in accordance with their customs and traditions. They also include the right to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC), enabling indigenous communities to give or withhold consent for activities that may impact their lands, resources, and communities. Protection from forced eviction is another vital right, shielding them from arbitrary displacement from their lands. Furthermore, these rights extend to the preservation of their culture, traditional knowledge, and environment, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding their way of life and the ecosystems they depend on.

What Do Indigenous People Believe About Land Ownership and Control?

Indigenous people view land as a collective resource, not as individual or commercial property. Their beliefs about land ownership and control revolve around collective stewardship, with land held collectively by the community, accompanied by a responsibility to protect and preserve it for future generations. Indigenous communities prioritize sustainable land management, drawing upon traditional knowledge to ensure the land's longevity. Moreover, land holds profound cultural and spiritual significance, often intertwined with creation stories and ancestral connections. These beliefs underscore the holistic and interconnected relationship that indigenous communities have with their land, emphasizing the preservation of their culture and environment for generations to come.

Who Are Some Indigenous Role Models?

Numerous indigenous individuals and groups worldwide are championing the protection and restoration of their ancestral lands and advocating for indigenous rights. Here are a few examples:

Millaray Painemal Morales (Chile): A leader of the Mapuche people, she campaigns for the restoration of ancestral Mapuche territories in Chile as there is an ongoing struggle for land rights.

Pang, "Mapuche People 732" from Chile

Rigoberta Menchú (Guatemala): A K'iche' Maya advocate for indigenous rights and land reform in Guatemala is working to restore ancestral lands and address historical injustices faced during the Guatemalan civil war.

Lakshmi Narayan Nanda (India): A respected tribal leader and activist for Kondh indigenous rights and land in Odisha, India, has led to the formal establishment of the Niyamgiri Hills as a protected indigenous territory.

Candelaria de San Juan (Mexico): A prominent figure within the Zapatista movement, has actively secured indigenous land rights and autonomy in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.

Gary Coetzee (South Africa): A Khoisan tribal leader engaged in grassroots efforts to address indigenous land disputes in South Africa, advocating for the restoration and protection of ancestral land for indigenous South Africans.

Khoisan people of South Africa

These stories illustrate the unwavering spirit of indigenous people as they defend their land, culture, and way of life.

Who Took the Land from Indigenous Peoples?

Throughout history, indigenous communities have faced land dispossession from various actors. European colonial powers, for instance, often forcibly took indigenous lands during the colonial era, resulting in profound injustices. Many modern nations have also engaged in land grabs, forced relocations, and discriminatory policies that have marginalized indigenous communities. Moreover, industries such as mining and logging have contributed to land conflicts by exploiting indigenous territories. Additionally, conflicts and wars have displaced indigenous communities, further exacerbating their struggles and leading to the loss of their lands and the destruction of cultural sites. These injustices reflect the complex and ongoing challenges faced by indigenous peoples in defending their land and heritage.

What Are Some Examples of Land Conflicts Globally with Indigenous Peoples?

Land conflicts involving indigenous communities occur worldwide, with the Israel-Palestine conflict being just one of them. Notable examples include Canada, where indigenous communities like the Wet'suwet'en and Mi'kmaq have faced land conflicts due to resource extraction and infrastructure development. In Brazil, the Amazon rainforest serves as a battleground for indigenous land rights against deforestation and land invasion. Indigenous Australians have long struggled for land rights, particularly in territories rich in natural resources. In Kenya, the Sengwer indigenous people have faced eviction from their ancestral lands in the Cherangany Hills. These instances underscore the universal struggle of indigenous people for their land and the ongoing challenges they encounter in defending their land and lives.

This month we celebrated Indigenous day in Canada and we felt it is imperative to lend our voice to the tireless work they do to bring justice and prosperity to their communities. Yet we continue to mourn the loss of innocent lives around the world in land disputes. The struggle of indigenous people and fight for land rights is a global issue deeply tied to their identity, freedom, generational wealth, and prosperity. Recognizing the significance of land in their lives is essential, and supporting their fights for control over ancestral territories is crucial.

Governments and international bodies must uphold laws that respect indigenous land rights and historical connections to the land, and citizens like you and I must support those that do in order to help humanity escape the cycle of war and destruction. Inform yourself with some of the resources below and engage with us if you want to create a safe space for a team discussion.



To better understand and support indigenous communities affected by land conflicts, here is a short list of organizations that work to address these issues:

  1. Native American Rights Fund (NARF) - a non-profit 501c(3) organization that provided legal assistance to Native American tribes, organizations, and individuals nationwide who might otherwise have gone without adequate representation.

  2. Cultural Survival - an Indigenous-led NGO and U.S. registered non-profit that advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures, and political resilience.

  3. International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) - a global human rights organization dedicated to promoting, protecting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights.

  4. Land Rights Now - mobilizes and engages active citizens, media, communities and organizations worldwide to promote and secure the land rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

  5. Forest Peoples Programme - a human rights organization working with forest peoples across the globe to secure their rights to their lands and their livelihoods.

Considering the imminent danger many Palestinians and Israelis are in currently, here’s a short list of organizations that offer valuable resources and support for those interested in learning more about the Israel-Hamas war and in helping in any way they can.

  1. Palestine Legal - Advocacy group focused on defending people who support Palestinian rights.

  2. ActionAid - Provides emergency assistance in the Gaza region and works to combat poverty and injustice.

  3. Palestine Children’s Relief Fund - Offers medical and humanitarian relief to Arab children in Gaza.

  4. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East - Provides assistance and protection for Palestinian refugees.

  5. Jewish Voice for Peace - A progressive Jewish organization advocating for a just resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.


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