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Why Is Everything About Race?

Racism in the Workplace

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, our timelines act as reflective mirrors, echoing the harsh realities of our world. Recent thought provoking reels such as one that delved into the question, "Why is everything about race?” captured our attention. Each one illuminating diverse facets of the human experience—from the historical weight of racist policies and institutions to the challenges faced by refugees and the glaring hypocrisies in government policies.

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It's crucial to acknowledge that the concept of race itself is relatively recent, originating in the 1600s with the trans-Atlantic slave trade, “justifying slavery, exploitation, denigration and decimation”, and perpetuating a divide that continues to influence society today. That divide is captured and showcased in personal accounts on social media such as the examples we'll highlight below.

Unmasking Jim Crow Etiquette in 2024

Unmasking Jim Crow Etiquette

This reel by @blackhomeeducators, uncovered a profound insight and poignant reality that some Black families grapple with showing affection due to historical restrictions embedded in the "Jim Crow Etiquette." The historical backdrop reveals that Black people were explicitly prohibited from displaying public affection, including kissing, as it was deemed offensive to white sensibilities. This etiquette, a set of societal norms imposed on Black individuals, exemplified the systemic racism that governed public behaviour during the Jim Crow era.

By bringing attention to this historical context, the reel aimed to illuminate the deep-seated reasons behind some of the struggles faced by Black families in expressing affection. It urges viewers to consider how past injustices, such as the Jim Crow laws, continue to reverberate through generations, impacting family dynamics and interpersonal relationships in ways that may not be immediately apparent.

The central message resonates with the broader inquiry: why does race play a role in so many aspects of life? When you critically engage with the historical roots of any such challenge, you're able to foster a greater understanding of the interplay between past injustices and contemporary dynamics. This journey of introspection serves as a crucial step toward dismantling ingrained biases and fostering empathy in your relations with Black North Americans.

Real Examples of Racism in the Workplace

In a powerful second reel by @dixeywhitey, as an outspoken ally he shares a disturbing episode of racial discrimination within an American workplace, shedding light on the persistent racism in corporate America in 2024. His narrative revolves around his brown family member, the lone non-white employee in a company where 95-97% of the staff were white due to a discriminatory hiring policy.

Despite her exceptional work ethic, she faced alienation, false accusations, and an unjust termination notice based on vague claims of unreliability. This injustice exemplifies the challenges faced by those who speak up against racism in the workplace.

The storyteller's personal experiences of holding others accountable for racist behaviour, highlight the sacrifices often made in the fight against systemic racism. But this is necessary to unveil the prevalence of white nationalist organizations and the societal resistance to acknowledge and dismantle white supremacy.

The powerful conclusion poses a crucial question: "What do you really support? White supremacy or humanity for all?" It challenges readers to reflect on their stance towards racism and emphasizes the urgency of dismantling systemic issues for the betterment of society. The narrative serves as a call to action, urging individuals to confront the uncomfortable reality of racism in America and work towards equality for all.

How Refugees are Treated Based on Race

Treated Based on Race

The third post by @foreignpolicymag immerses us in the challenging realities faced by refugees at Adre, a Chadian border post where a transit camp strains to accommodate over 120,000 individuals awaiting UNHCR assistance. This snapshot offers a distressing glimpse into the larger global refugee crisis, emphasizing the dire conditions that force people to construct makeshift shelters using limited resources. The sheer scale of the camp underscores the inadequacy of international responses to the plight of those escaping conflict, persecution, or economic hardship. The majority of whom come from countries that are non-white, with European and American corporations taking advantage of their natural resources or influencing their politics and in essence destabilizing the country and its ability to self-sustain.

The personal story of Mohamed and Ilham, a young couple from Sudan, brings a human dimension to the statistics, highlighting the desperation that propels people to embark on hazardous journeys in pursuit of safety and a better life. Their narrative serves as a poignant reminder of the human toll behind the refugee crisis and prompts reflection on the urgent need for collective global efforts to address the immediate needs and long-term well-being of displaced populations.

Understanding the profound challenges faced by refugees worldwide encourages empathy and action. Most importantly, we need a collective commitment to crafting effective solutions that recognize the dignity and humanity of those on the margins of society, seeking refuge and a chance at a more secure future.

The Racist Refugee Experience

Racist Refugee Experience

The final video post by @ZlmVrb_alykm_ml exposes the hypocritical policies surrounding refugees, providing specific instances of the harsh reality at the border with Morocco faced by African asylum seekers. It draws attention to the stark contrast in treatment between European governments expressing concern for Ukrainian refugees and the brutality faced by African asylum seekers.

Specific examples, such as America's immigration policies and Europe's double standards, underscore the need for a more principled approach to refugee policies. The inconsistency in response to different refugee groups forces readers to confront the uncomfortable truth that empathy and assistance are often contingent on political or social factors beyond genuine humanitarian concern.

As we scroll through these detailed snapshots of reality, it's imperative to pause and reflect on the society we want to be a part of. These examples invite readers to engage in a critical dialogue about race, corporate accountability, refugee rights, and governmental hypocrisy—prompting specific considerations for dismantling systemic injustices and fostering empathy. Share with us your perspectives and personal experiences in our comments below as we continue on our allyship journey of creating change together.


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